Where the journey home begins

To heal EVERYONE of trauma & illness through the advanced TECHNOLOGY of Ayahuasca

Why We’re Here

Ayahuasca is a boiled liquid brew of two plants - the bark of a caapi vine & chacruna leaves .

It’s been used for thousands of years by tribes in the Amazon to diagnose & heal illness.

A small cup is drunk by “patients” in a ceremony at night - The doctors then in tandem with the ayahuasca unlock consciousness & open up infinite modalities of healing to cure the patient. The patient undergoes healing in an unlocked consciousness & dissolves “energetic blockages “ that cause illness.

It lasts approx 4/5 hrs.

Ayahuasca is used in combination with master plants to target specific illnesses

What is Ayahuasca?

The Collective Confusion of Ayahuasca

It is NOT a “drug” - it’s a sacred medicine used by the doctors in the jungle to heal ALL ailments in combination with many master plants …

It’s NOT addictive ( unlike tons of “Medicines” we use )

It’s NOT used to “rave” or “party” in the jungle, it’s a sacred, powerful medicine that unlocks consciousness & infinite healing modalities

Ayahuasca does not heal on its own - it requires the doctors “shamans” that act as the conduit for it to heal the patient

Ayahuasca is not just a “medicine” its their “hospital” - master plants work in combination with ayahuasca to heal in that “hospital”





The unexplored force of nature.

A medicine direct from nature that heals you in an “unlocked consciousness” with infinite healing potential for all diseases & trauma



Meet Maria

Hi… I’m Maria Lopez … Lovely to meet you.

I’ve been working with the ayahuasca & the Shipibo family of healers in Peru for over 8 years.

I’ve had the privilege of experiencing their healing first hand & gaining a deep understanding of the Shipibo‟s unique cosmo-vision over that time.

Their healing power is unmatched.

My role at KÜRA is as the “bridge keeper” the translator of their sacred cosmo-vision (I speak fluent English & Spanish) so that they can bring their healing directly to you.

I’ve lived in New York for over 30 years & ran a successful design company in that time before I discovered the miraculous healing of the plant world with the Shipibo.

I’m now dedicated to bringing this powerful healing to EVERYONE through KÜRA .

The KÜRA Experience


These are all conducted as private sessions in your home or choice of location

The only one not private is the group meeting.

1. Intention

Initial consultation to discuss your intention in the ayahuasca ceremonies -

What you would like to heal & your fears - A run down of your background history
( emotional & physical) to have a thorough understanding of your unique needs - 1hr

2. Ayahuasca - The basics

An extensive understanding of how the medicine works - what to expect - how to prepare mentally, the challenges, the role of the shamans, master plants, the power of surrender & the layers of dissolution - 1hr

3. Basic tools for healing in ceremony

To get the most out of the ceremonies you need to be able to root and focus no matter what is coming up. We offer a meditation and breath work practice you can begin at home to prepare you for the ayahuasca healing - 1hr


4. Pre-ceremony diet - Medical evaluation - group meeting & questions

You will need to fill out a medical evaluation to ensure there are no medications that cross with the ayahuasca – you will prepare a pre- dieta two weeks before - the cleaner your body is the more powerful the effects of the medicine –

We will help you along with the process and all questions as you get closer to the retreat.

It’s a customized group of 10 people so we will meet as a group before you leave.

Post - Dieta Integration

On your return from the retreat Shipibo Rao

Private individual sessions

4 One-on-one meetings to help you integrate the 5 ceremonies


A revolutionary field of health care where the patient participates fully in the healing & dissolution of the blockages in their energetic field (the primary building blocks of our being which later cause disease).

By allowing the patient to enter into these unlocked states of consciousness in an ayahuasca ceremony they can dissolve the blockages by re-experiencing the events first hand in that time/space continuum.

Every blockage dissolved by “purging” is a return of their “consciousness” & the regulated flow of their “life force” which returns them to health.

The Ayahuasca retreat in Peru

(We create a limited group of 10 people per trip)

14 days & 5 ayahuasca ceremonies + additional master plants + plant steam sauna at Shipibo Rao Retreat in Pucallpa (Peru) with the most powerful energetic surgeons headed up by Maestro José

You will arrive in Pucallpa a day before so you can rest & then the next day be transported 2 hours away to the retreat.

Maria will be there on your arrival to the hotel in Pucallpa & then at the retreat to do daily visits to your Tambo to see how your faring, for questions, challenges & support.


We can bring Jose – the principal doctor – to your home to diagnose your condition. He will then recommend the master plants you are required to drink & the retreat length in Pucallpa it will take to cure you of the ailment.

Post – retreat follow up with the doctors.

The doctors can do “long distance” work to help you energetically as you continue to dissolve long standing blockages.

Any additional help/visits special needs can be organized through KÜRA for a separate fee.

KÜRA Mission

Let’s heal our “unhappy” here - so we can stay & restore this paradise instead of taking our “unhappy” elsewhere …

Plant medicines can help us

They’re nature

The EVERYTHING we come from